Trademark Battle between EAGLE and GARUDA Fireworks
Trademark Battle between EAGLE and GARUDA Fireworks
Trademark Battle between EAGLE and GARUDA Fireworks
What is the Trademark Assignment? Trademark owners have the option to transfer their trademarks in a manner akin to the transfer of physical properties.
Trademarks Registration for Amazon Sellers in 2023. By obtaining a trademark, Amazon sellers gain the opportunity to enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry, an initiative that provides access to advanced brand protection programs alongside a host of other advantages.
8 Business laws required for a Business. When establishing your small business, numerous concerns may arise, but among them, adhering to legal regulations within the country is of utmost significance.
What are the AI-related issues in Intellectual property? The growth of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies is rapidly transforming various aspects of our lives, including learning, living, working, and entertainment.
Concept of Copyright in India. The concept of copyright has evolved, with the first principles being established in the 15th century and the first valid copyright law in India being passed by the British government in 1847.
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