Trademark Objection Reply

Get your trademark objection reply in two days.

Introduction of Reply to the Examination

A Trademark (TM) objection is a formal claim asserting that a third party has infringed on your trademark. As a trademark owner, if you observe that someone else is using your trademark to sell similar products, you can raise an objection. Any trademark filed for registration must be accurate and error-free. Incorrect information, such as the wrong applicant’s name or principal place of business, can lead to complications. Here are two common reasons for trademark objections:

  1. Incorrect details on the trademark form: An objection is likely if the applicant’s name, principal place of business, or other information in the trademark application is incorrect.

  2. Incorrectly filing a trademark application: The examiner can object if the trademark application is filed improperly. For instance, if a trademark lawyer or agent files the application, it must be accompanied by Form TM-48.

The trademark office may sometimes object to a trademark application if it does not comply with legal norms. There are various reasons for such objections, including similarities between the proposed trademark and an existing one, or issues related to religious sentiments. If an objection is raised by the department or Registrar, a response must be submitted within 30 days. Upon raising an objection, the Trademark department issues a legal objection letter. If the applicant does not take steps to justify and differentiate the originality of the applied word or mark, the Registrar has the authority to abandon the application.

Documents Required


Power of Attorney

( In case of change of Attorney )

User Information

Proof of Using the trademark Bills / Vouchers Firm Registration Certificate

Reply to the Examination Report

Fill the Application Form

You are requested first to fill out the simple questionnaire provided by our experts .

Document Processing

After collecting the documents , our experts will scrutinize those documents .

Preparation of TM Objection Reply

After receiving the relevant information and consultation with our experts along with the signed documents we will move towards preparation of your trademark Objection reply which is done online.

Trademark Certificate

At last if the objection reply is accepted by the Registrar we will be granted the Trademark Certificate.

FAQs On Reply to the Examination Report

Once the trademark application is filed, it has to face the stringent scrutiny of the examiner. The trademark examiner can reject the submitted trademark registration application. This rejection is called Trademark Objection. 

All it takes for the trademark objection process to complete is the creation of a trademark examination report. The report dictates whether the trademark is allowed or rejected.

However, trademark objections are not always fair. Therefore, there is a Trademark Objection Reply. A reply to the TM objection has to be specifically filed in a customized fashion. Also, the defendant filing the reply must pay the required trademark objection reply fees.

If the reply is accepted, the trademark is published. If not, there is the matter of the hearing. Trademark objection application, therefore, needs a good reply, or else all your efforts to register your trademark shall be in vain.

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